
Shower Enclosure

As an addition to the hot water shower system installed in the van, we found that a more private shower enclosure was necessary. This has been done by some under the rear hatch, or even inside the van! But for us, the logical place seemed to be by the front door, next to the sliding door.

The fabric and rods for this project came from an old 2-person tent, unstitched and re-hemmed. New ripstop nylon could have been bought for about $18 per meter, but cheaper is better. And - reuse, recycle, reduce, etc...

Total cost: 59 cents for the plastic clamp.

Click on the image to see it full size.

Plan and Fabrication

Drawing of the shower enclosure.
The nylon was hemmed along the ends and bottom with 1/2" hem. A 1 1/2" wide tube was stitched along the top.

At the indicated points, reinforced pockets were stitched, leaving the tube open from each end up to the pockets.

The only critical dimensions are the right and centre dimensions, and the shape of the pocket. It is open at the bottom, to fit the top of the passenger door, and stitched onto the outside of the enclosure, at the indicated point.

The Pieces

The 5 components:
the stitched nylon enclosure,
2 collapsable tent poles,
the plastic clamp (left), and
the gutter bracket (right).

One section on each of the collapsable fibreglas tent poles was cut to the correct length and the elastic rethreaded inside.

The Gutter Bracket
A piece of 1" thick plastic was cut to the shape shown so it can be hooked over the rain gutter. A hole was drilled at an angle to accept one end of the longer tent pole.

Another hole was drilled in the lip, inside the gutter to accept one end of the second pole.

The Gutter Bracket Fitted
The bracket is hung over the rain gutter and the two tent poles fitted into the holes.

Enclosure Fitted

Assembly requires only the following steps

- hang the outer pocket of the enclosure over the top of the passenger door,

- insert the longer pole in the right hand enclosure tube and force the end against the inside edge of the door top,
- push the free end into the gutter hanger,

- insert the shorter pole in the other tube,
- push the free end into the hole in the gutter hanger,

- clamp the second pole and fabric to the gutter, near the front of the door opening.

The poles hold the door open as well as hold the enclosure up. The inner piece of the enclosure keeps water from splashing into the van.

Used water is collected in a large pan, and disposed of appropriately.

The owner takes no responsibility for anyone else making these modifications.
Photos provided by owner. Contact the postmaster for permission for use.

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F. Griffiths

Last updated December 5, 2016

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